I obviously can't take a picture if the Mr. isn't completely busy at the time. Yup, he was mowing again. And I had just washed my face. Keepin' it real here, folks!
So I'm halfway there! Such a blessing!
We had our second sonogram last Thursday and it was incredible. The little nugget was movin' and groovin' in there! I wasn't really expecting to see so much movement, but it completely took my breath away and I definitely cried. I pretty much leaked tears the ENTIRE time. I realized that what I have been feeling has DEF been the little nugget. We have a healthy baby- the sonographer was even able to count fingers and toes! Healthy brain and a healthy heart and measuring right on time.
How far along? 20 weeks, baby! Oh gosh... sometimes it just hits me that in December I'm going to be a mommy and I get pretty overwhelmed. In a good way!
Baby’s size? A banana, from head to toe. Up until now the baby has been measured from head to rump, but now it's measured from head to toe.
Total weight gain/loss: 5 POUNDS!!!!! I seriously jumped up and down in the doctors office on Thursday!
Maternity clothes? Um, I hit the motherload. I'm so thankful that a friend gave me a TUB (literally a tub) full of maternity clothes. A huge blessing. And she's pretty close to my size (yay for short legs), so I've got more pants to choose from now! Thank you Destin!!
Stretch marks? Not a one!
Sleep: Pretty good! The past two days I've been doing day camp at the church and may have overdone it a little, so I've had some pretty fantastic naps when I get home and have managed to get a good nights sleep in as well.
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender and sharing it with our family, friends, and teensies!!!!
Miss Anything? Despite my good sleep, I'm missing sleeping on my stomach. And I've had a hankering for sushi that veggie rolls just can't satisfy...
Movement: Some serious movement! Mr. has even felt it! There have been a couple of times I've seen my stomach move, which is completely freaky and completely cool. Nugget is quite active when I lay down at night and I've been watching and feeling all the movement while I settle down for the evening.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular other than sushi. I have finally been eating fresh fruit again. I love fruit and it's been a while since the idea or thought of fruit hasn't completely repulsed me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No! Praise God!
Gender: If you're my friend on Facebook (and I'm assuming most of you are!), you already know. But I have to share a little story before sharing the BIG news!
Since about 8 weeks, I had a distinct feeling that it was a girl. When I first found out I was pregnant, I immediately started looking at little boy things because since meeting Mr. I have wanted a little boy first. But after about a month, somethings changed and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were going to have a little girl.
Mr. grew up with 2 older brothers and was insistent that if I wished hard enough, we would have a boy. I kept telling him that I was pretty sure it was a girl.
Wednesday night after church I was leaving the living room and said, "I still have a feeling it's a girl..." to which I heard him mutter under his breath, "Yeah... I kinda do to."
I immediately turned around and he pretended like it had never been said. Stinker. ;-)
Fast forward to our appointment Thursday and they wait until the very end to tell you the gender. We were both super excited and our sonographer asked if we had made bets. I told her that I had just felt like it was a girl and Mr. said that he wanted a boy. The sonographer then said, "Well, it seems like mother's intuition is right!
We're having a little girl!! A GIRL!
WE ARE SO EXCITED! Mr. has already said that he is taking her hunting and fishing. I wouldn't expect anything less!
We've decided on the name Clara. No middle name yet, but we're working on it.
I absolutely love being able to call her by her name! And to be able to call her a HER! No more "it!"
Our little baby Clara. *sigh* I love it.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Today I was outside with some littles having them do some very simple jobs in our church's community garden and I got really hot. I could definitely tell I needed to get inside pretty soon. Thankfully, I was able to sit down with some cold water and put my feet up for a bit.
Belly Button in or out? It's in, but it will be flattening out soon, I can tell. I have a super deep belly button naturally and it's getting significantly shallower as the days progress.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy and energetic, but I have had a couple of freak outs. My birthday was on Saturday and I may have had a complete breakdown with the Mr. after I had locked myself (and my keys and cell phone) out of the Zone (our youth building) and had to walk in the rain around to the front of the church, while a wedding was going on, and ask the officer on duty to let me back in. Ugh, it was awful, but I probably overreacted. I calmed down and had a wonderful birthday!
Looking forward to: Starting on the nursery! I've got some fabulous projects I'm going to be working on over the next few weeks including picking out fabrics with my mom (!!!!!!!!) and sewing a crib skirt with her and my super seamstress friend Erin as well as sewing a cradle sheet and a few other things with my mother in law! And shopping with my stepmom and sister... SO MUCH FUN! Now that we know the sex, everything is more real and more fun!!
Please pray for: Continued growth of baby Clara. That she will progress normally and healthily.
Thanks for all your support and prayers as Mr. and I continue this crazy blessed journey!