Monday, August 26, 2013

24 Weeks: a pretty low key week

Let's just check out the progress from a few weeks ago since I'm wearing the same shirt:

I seem to have grown a little bit more of a belly.  :)

How far along? 24 weeks
Baby’s size? A cantelope.  Yikes!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm guessing around 13-15 pounds.  My cravings aren't quite as strong over the past week.  So I only bought one box of chocolate cereal at the grocery this week, not 2.
I've also noticed that I can't eat quite as much.  I think that Clara might be taking over some of my stomach space.
Mr. and I went on a fancy dinner date Thursday and I made sure that I was careful to not fill up on bread, so that I could savor every moment of stuffed mushrooms,Caesar salad, steak, and lobster.  And we made sure to take home the complimentary mocha ice cream cake (complimentary because it was our first time at this restaurant).  It was so delicious, and I wasn't ridiculously stuffed to the point of being uncomfortable.  Which is vitally important if I want to sleep.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Ah sleep... my sweet friend Alice suggested that maybe Phoebe keeping me up at night was practice for the real deal when Clara will keep me up at night.  
Unfortunately, if Phoebe wakes me up in the middle of the night I'm quite grumpy. In fact, she woke me up last night and I was not very nice to her.  Mr. ended up getting up and then explaining to me that she just really needed to go to the bathroom and that's why she was freaking out in her kennel. 
I probably need to work on that.
Best moment this week: My awesome date with my husband.  After 3 weeks in a row of family being here, we needed that date.  I just love hanging out with him.  We crack each other up! And we were able to sit and just TALK. It was good for the soul.
Miss Anything? A really great night's sleep.  On my stomach.  Until like 10am.
Movement: I don't think that she ever STOPS moving.  I love every minute of it. She's getting super strong and it cracks Mr. up when she makes my stomach dance and move around.
A friend of ours is a nurse practitioner and gave us a stethoscope to see if we could hear her heartbeat (we can't... you apparently have to find her back to be able to hear the heart. That's near impossible as far as I'm concerned) and Mr. was using it to listen to my stomach and she did NOT appreciate that.  She was kicking and thumping and swatting whenever he would press down just a little bit.  So cool!
Food cravings: Orange juice and fruit lately.  And lots of water with lemon. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not that I can think of.
Gender: Baby GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nothing.  I think I might be feeling braxton hicks.  Just every now and then.  My mom apparently had a lot with all 3 of her kids, so I'm wondering if maybe I will too.
Symptoms: Just an ever growing belly and lots of tiredness.
Belly Button in or out? Practically flat.  It's really strange to see my belly button so SMALL!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Incredibly weepy.  Ask Mr.  I've been crying at EVERYTHING.  I was watching Friends during my lunch break today and it was the episode where Ross finds out that he's having a little boy.  Tear city.
Tonight it was a tv commercial.
And if I start talking about Clara, it's likely that the water-works might start.  If nothing else, I'm going to well up.  Oh pregnancy hormones...
Looking forward to: My next appointment which will be right about the time I'm beginning the 3rd trimester!  Oh, and our lamaze classes!  We start at the end of September.
Please pray for: Healthy pregnancy and baby girl!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 23: better late than never!

(oh good, the selfies are back...)

I'll quote one of my co-workers from this week, "you look PREGNANT."

Why thank you, associate minister... I think so too!  He actually commented on that a couple of times this week.  I've actually gotten to a place where I feel like people will look at my belly and hopefully think, "oh, she's growing a baby" instead of, "oh, she ate a really big burrito."

It's the last day of week 23 and I just haven't had a chance to update this week!  The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of family being here in Fort Worth and each night I fall into bed exhausted.  We have gotten so much accomplished and the nursery is pretty close to completion (I'm going to do a nursery post sometime this week hopefully) and I'm happy to report that the FLOOR IN THE GARAGE HAS BEEN PAINTED.  Mr. is thrilled about it.  And I have to say, I like it!  It's even got fancy confetti speckles on it!

On with the update!

How far along? 23 weeks
Baby’s size? Grapefruit
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor on Friday and I had gained another 6 pounds (cue happy dance)!  I'm back up to my pre-pregnancy weight!  My question for previously pregnant friends is this: does my total weight gain start from my pre-pregnancy weight or my lowest weight.  What I mean is, is a healthy weight gain for me 25-30 pounds from what I currently weigh or from my weight when I was at my lowest?  I hope that makes sense...
Maternity clothes? Yes and so thankful for friends who have let me borrow their clothes!
Stretch marks? Not one!
Sleep: Okay, let's talk sleep.  I'm golden if I fall asleep and am able to sleep through the night.  But if I wake up for any reason other than having to go to the bathroom (which I think I am half asleep for) then I am WIDE. A. WAKE.  And it's annoying.  Last night, Phoebe decided that she needed out of her kennel at 4:30 am (I thought I was going to kill her).  So Mr. went and got her and I was up from 4:30-6:00.  Ugh.  Probably my least favorite night to NOT get sleep is on Saturday before a Sunday since Sundays are kinda important and busy.  Don't worry, I just woke up from an hour nap.  :)
And I've got another Snoogle convert.  My friend Juliette got one and is in love with it as much as I am!  
Best moment this week: My doctor's appointment on Friday.  I didn't see my actual doctor, I saw another one in my group and I LOVE her.  She was actually the doctor that put me in the hospital a month and a half ago and she's amazing.  I want to stick with my current doctor through the birth of this little girl and then switching.  I wanted to go to her initially, but she didn't have any openings for months when I first found out I was pregnant.  Patrick and I were talking about how much we liked her and he made the comment that he kind of hoped she was on-call when I delivered and I told him I had already been praying for that!
Also, we got our glider (after the lady told us it would be 14 weeks... and delivered by November) on Friday!  I was thrilled!  It looks SO GOOD.  And is so comfy!
Miss Anything? Have we talked about coffee ever?  *sigh* I was a BLACK coffee drinker before.  The stronger the better.  And don't put any of that nasty sugar or cream in it.  I want it black.  I would drink several cups a day.  I loved my morning routine of drinking coffee and checking email at work and then on Fridays drinking coffee and watching the Today show.  
Now, just the thought of coffee makes me want to hurl.  Blech!  It's hard for me to smell it.  I haven't made coffee for Mr. in the mornings in months.  Poor guy... 
Apparently my mother had the same aversion and she said that within hours of giving birth she was ready for a big cup of coffee. I seriously miss the idea of coffee and am ready to have my morning routine back!
Movement: She's seriously doing all sorts of gymnastics in there!  It's so strange to feel her .  Especially since she likes to move from way down low to way up high and I can totally see my stomach change shapes. Mr. enjoys watching my stomach at night before bed.
Food cravings: Still orange juice and chocolate.  In fact, I might go pour myself a glass of OJ right now!  Second glass of the day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: See above about coffee.  Yuck!
Gender: Girl!  I told Mr. a few weeks ago that I was afraid that the sonographer got it wrong, but the doctor on Friday said that their sonographers were incredibly accurate.
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Just fatigue.  Nothing new.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.  I have a feeling it will be a while before it's completely flat and I don't know that it will ever pop out completely.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy, but definite moments of moodiness.  I have gotten completely overwhelmed a few times this week.  Which is why I broke into tears on the floor of the nursery on Monday night while Mr. and I were putting the crib together.  
Looking forward to: Week 24 is the "viability week" which means that with major medical intervention, if she was born, she MIGHT survive.  Obviously, I'm praying that she makes it to 40 weeks, but it's a little milestone.  Also, I'll be in my THIRD TRIMESTER in three weeks.  And then I'll start seeing the doctor every other week and then soon after that, EVERY week.  Ya'll, December is coming!
Please pray for: School is starting (or has started) for my teensies.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Also, a continued healthy pregnancy for both baby Clara and mommy.  :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 22: Movin' and Groovin'

How far along? 22 weeks
Baby’s size? A papaya
Total weight gain/loss: I go to the doctor on Friday, so I'll know next week
Stretch marks? Not one, yet.
Sleep: The Snoogle continues to be my best friend.  I seriously sleep so well in that thing.  My sister Taylor decided it was like a nest.  And it really is!  When I lay down, Clara decides it's time to party though. So far she doesn't kick in any way that is painful, so it's pretty soothing to know that she's movin' and groovin' in there.  :)
Best moment this week: The feeling of accomplishment!  Patrick and I with the help of our families have accomplished SO MUCH.  The nursery is currently in the process of being painted (and will hopefully be completed by tomorrow. (update: it is!)
Miss Anything? Not really... well, I take that back.  I just get so tired so easily.  I poop out pretty quickly which can get frustrating.  Especially since I like to be pretty active and I love to check things off of my to-do list!  I get things done a little at a time instead of a whirlwind.  I usually have to take little breaks which makes me a little crazy.

Movement: Oh yes, all the time!  I love it and it totally freaks me out at the same time.
Food cravings: ORANGE JUICE.  Mr. has been amazed at the amounts I have gone through lately.  We're talking 2 LARGE containers a week.  And I always want more.  Oh, and usually some super chocolatey cereal to go with it.  I ran into a friend and her 3 kiddos in Walmart on Wednesday night and was a little embarrassed by my cart.  2 boxes of chocolate cereal!  

The funny thing is that I'm not really a sweets eater naturally.  I like sweets, but usually crave salty and savory things well before I crave something sweet.  And it's not usually chocolate that I go for.  I'd rather have a piece of white cake or a sugar cookie any day before I would have a piece of chocolate cake or a chocolate cookie... now it's the exact opposite!  Bring on the chocolate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I ate a Nicky D's hamburger on Saturday with my family and that was a BAD. IDEA.  Ugh, too much grease for my slowly shrinking stomach.  I was pretty grumpy that night after eating it.  My tum was less than pleased with me.
Gender: As far as I know it's still a girl. :-)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: OH!  Maybe I'll find an answer finally.  My feet have been peeling like CRAZY lately.  They aren't necessarily more dry and they aren't calloused, they just peel.  And peel.  AND PEEL!  Anyone else experienced this!?  It's kinda gross and it's driving me nuts!
Belly Button in or out? In and getting flatter every day.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Other than the grump episode on Saturday night, I think I'm pretty happy.  Although, you might ask Mr.  I don't think I've been super moody lately... though I will say that I may be a little more snappy than usual. 
Looking forward to: My in-laws being in town this weekend to knock out more projects!  Seriously, we are getting stuff DONE around our house.  This weekend, Mr. and his dad are going to repaint the garage (I don't know why, nor do I ask why it's important... I'm just going with it).  My mother-in-law and I are going to make a cradle sheet for our cradle and make a changing pad cover too.  Love knocking stuff off our t0-do list!

Oh!  And our crib is here!  Mr. and I are going to pick it up at Walmart tonight.  Hopefully he'll be able to put it together with his dad this weekend and our nursery will be that much closer to being finished!
Please pray for: Continued health for this little girl growing inside of me.  We have a doctor's appointment on Friday and I'm praying that she's right on track!  It's so strange to think that I'm on the other side of 20 weeks... I'm more than halfway there!  It's blowing my mind when I think of how completely different Christmas will be this year and how different it will be every year from here on out.  And how our lives are going to change COMPLETELY!

We are truly so excited about this new adventure.  With every week that passes, I'm blown away by God's creation and his goodness. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

21 Weeks: Nursery Prep

How far along? 21 weeks
Baby’s size? A carrot, I believe...
Total weight gain/loss: I'm going to guess that it's around 1 or 2 pounds, but I don't know for sure.
Maternity clothes? Yes!  And still loving them and the fabulous stretchy waistbands!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Ya'll, I got a Snoogle for my birthday from my dad and stepmom and I sleep like a LOG in (yes, IN) that thing.  It supports my back and hips in all the right places and I sometimes count down the hours in the evening until I get to get into bed and snuggle up with it.  It does, however, take up a LOT of room.  Thank goodness we have a king sized bed...
Best moment this week: Several!  First of all, my mom came into town and we went fabric shopping and bought some beautiful fabrics to use in the nursery at my favorite fabric store (Cabbage Rose).  We spent the next afternoon with my friend Erin sewing together a crib skirt.  My stepdad and sister came up too and we've spent a lot of time doing projects around the house to get ready for Miss Clara's arrival.
My mom brought a HUGE box of old baby clothes she kept and other little trinkets and it was so much fun going through everything!  Thankfully my mom and Aunt Beverly (who bought me some beautiful things and my mom kept pretty much ALL of it) have really classic taste and I'll be using those clothes for sure.

Miss Anything? I tried to lay on my stomach (purely out of habit) a few days ago and I immediately regretted it and missed it all at the same time.
Movement: This little girl is moving like crazy!  Mr. continues to be shocked at how much he can feel.  She's particularly active when I've been standing up or walking a lot and take a break.  What's really nuts is when she doesn't just kick or flail her arms around but moves her entire body from one side to the other... it's like something out of a sci-fi movie.  
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, just food in general! And when I want to eat, I want to eat THEN AND THERE.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The only thing I've noticed is if I eat too much, I get really uncomfortable.  And I get full really quickly too.  I'm guessing that my stomach is being smooshed a little bit by the growing girl.
Gender: As far as I know it's still a girl. :-)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Just a growing belly and some extreme tiredness if I do a lot.  Even just shopping with my mom literally wipes me out.  And I'm a shopper!  I can easily go an entire day with my mom hunting through stores, but this weekend it makes me tired just remembering shopping!  My mom kept telling my I was pooping out!
Belly Button in or out? Still it and being stretched to the max.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy!
Looking forward to: Next weekend when my OTHER set of parents will be here! Shopping (for my sister, stepmom and me) and painting (for Mr. and my dad)
Please pray for: Although my summer is at a close (sorry teensies!), my August is SUPER full.  I've got my parents coming next weekend, my in-laws the following weekend, and then a pastoral care seminar the weekend after that.

So Mr. and I made the first major purchase for the nursery this weekend.  Was it a crib?  Changing table? Nope and nope.  It was a glider and ottoman.  We will be buying the crib and dresser probably by the end of the weekend, but we're ordering the glider from Buy Buy Baby and it takes several weeks for it to come in.  So with a %20 off coupon in hand (hooray!), I went in today and ordered it.  I can't wait for it to come in!  And I can't wait to buy the crib and dresser!  Those are coming from and (why can't things be simpler!?).  In the end we're saving the most money that way and I think everything will look so good!  And everything is sturdy.  Which is a big plus for my super practical husband!

The crib bedding looks awesome!  Since finding out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to make my own crib skirt and buy a solid color crib sheet and skip out on the bumper pads.  And I'm so happy with my choice because I am in LOVE with my fabric choices and the way the skirt turned out!  I've still got a little more sewing to do (my mother-in-law and I are going to make a cradle sheet and changing pad cover in two weeks) and quite a few other projects, but I feel so good about the progress I've already made!

Here's a peek at what the nursery currently looks like.  I can't wait to continue to move things along!