Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 22: Movin' and Groovin'

How far along? 22 weeks
Baby’s size? A papaya
Total weight gain/loss: I go to the doctor on Friday, so I'll know next week
Stretch marks? Not one, yet.
Sleep: The Snoogle continues to be my best friend.  I seriously sleep so well in that thing.  My sister Taylor decided it was like a nest.  And it really is!  When I lay down, Clara decides it's time to party though. So far she doesn't kick in any way that is painful, so it's pretty soothing to know that she's movin' and groovin' in there.  :)
Best moment this week: The feeling of accomplishment!  Patrick and I with the help of our families have accomplished SO MUCH.  The nursery is currently in the process of being painted (and will hopefully be completed by tomorrow. (update: it is!)
Miss Anything? Not really... well, I take that back.  I just get so tired so easily.  I poop out pretty quickly which can get frustrating.  Especially since I like to be pretty active and I love to check things off of my to-do list!  I get things done a little at a time instead of a whirlwind.  I usually have to take little breaks which makes me a little crazy.

Movement: Oh yes, all the time!  I love it and it totally freaks me out at the same time.
Food cravings: ORANGE JUICE.  Mr. has been amazed at the amounts I have gone through lately.  We're talking 2 LARGE containers a week.  And I always want more.  Oh, and usually some super chocolatey cereal to go with it.  I ran into a friend and her 3 kiddos in Walmart on Wednesday night and was a little embarrassed by my cart.  2 boxes of chocolate cereal!  

The funny thing is that I'm not really a sweets eater naturally.  I like sweets, but usually crave salty and savory things well before I crave something sweet.  And it's not usually chocolate that I go for.  I'd rather have a piece of white cake or a sugar cookie any day before I would have a piece of chocolate cake or a chocolate cookie... now it's the exact opposite!  Bring on the chocolate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I ate a Nicky D's hamburger on Saturday with my family and that was a BAD. IDEA.  Ugh, too much grease for my slowly shrinking stomach.  I was pretty grumpy that night after eating it.  My tum was less than pleased with me.
Gender: As far as I know it's still a girl. :-)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: OH!  Maybe I'll find an answer finally.  My feet have been peeling like CRAZY lately.  They aren't necessarily more dry and they aren't calloused, they just peel.  And peel.  AND PEEL!  Anyone else experienced this!?  It's kinda gross and it's driving me nuts!
Belly Button in or out? In and getting flatter every day.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Other than the grump episode on Saturday night, I think I'm pretty happy.  Although, you might ask Mr.  I don't think I've been super moody lately... though I will say that I may be a little more snappy than usual. 
Looking forward to: My in-laws being in town this weekend to knock out more projects!  Seriously, we are getting stuff DONE around our house.  This weekend, Mr. and his dad are going to repaint the garage (I don't know why, nor do I ask why it's important... I'm just going with it).  My mother-in-law and I are going to make a cradle sheet for our cradle and make a changing pad cover too.  Love knocking stuff off our t0-do list!

Oh!  And our crib is here!  Mr. and I are going to pick it up at Walmart tonight.  Hopefully he'll be able to put it together with his dad this weekend and our nursery will be that much closer to being finished!
Please pray for: Continued health for this little girl growing inside of me.  We have a doctor's appointment on Friday and I'm praying that she's right on track!  It's so strange to think that I'm on the other side of 20 weeks... I'm more than halfway there!  It's blowing my mind when I think of how completely different Christmas will be this year and how different it will be every year from here on out.  And how our lives are going to change COMPLETELY!

We are truly so excited about this new adventure.  With every week that passes, I'm blown away by God's creation and his goodness. 

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