Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 29/30/31: Nursery Part 2!

How far along? 29/30/31 Weeks!  :) (sorry for the lack of posts in the past few weeks, I've been pretty busy! Thanks for understanding!)
Baby’s size? She is now the size of a pineapple and weighs anywhere from 2.5-3.8 pounds!  Yikes!
Total weight gain/loss: As of Friday I have gained 19 pounds.  That's from the lowest weight that I got to from the first trimester and what my doctor refers to as my "sickness" when I was in the hospital. 

Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Um... patchy at best most nights.  I have had a couple of nights that I can't get comfortable and it takes forever to get to sleep.  Others I get to sleep easily, but wake up easily and can't get to sleep for HOURS.  One night I woke up with a HORRIBLE calf cramp.  I was hollering so loud I woke up Mr.  I finally felt it start to go away and as soon as I laid down it started up again.  Mr. was able to stretch and massage it until it calmed down for real.  He's my PT in shining armor!  :)

I've also been fighting a cold/allergies/sinus infection the past few days.  I'm usually okay (a little sniffly) during the day, but as soon as I lay down... BAM!  Congestion city.  Yuck.  Mr. turned on the ionizer on the AC unit we have in our bedroom to try and clean the air a little bit and put the humidifier right next to the bed and I still struggled to sleep last night.  *sigh*  Stupid nose and sinuses!  I ended up sleeping practically sitting up... so sleep hasn't been great.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat thumping away at my appointment on Friday!  And we started our lamaze class on Monday nights last week.  It's been hilarious, informative, and fun.  Our teacher is a kook!  She keeps saying the most inappropriate things... so funny!
Miss Anything? Nothing new!
Movement: Holy moly, she's starting to run out of room!  I can feel her EVERYWHERE.  And all the time.  And I can push on her and she'll respond!  So cool.  Mr. enjoys watching and poking on her too.  It's a nightly ritual to play with my stomach. 
Food cravings: Orange juice again.  I went through an entire container of OJ in 3 days... oops!  And when I wake up I'm starving!  And even though I went to Panera and was good and got an oatmeal (their oatmeal is the absolute BEST), I'm totally craving a cinnamon crunch bagel with LOTS of cream cheese.  Sweets and I are best friends still.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Coffee.
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks off and on.  Nothing more than that- keep on cooking Baby Girl!
Symptoms: There have been a few nights where I'm queasy by the end of the night.  I have NO idea why.  It's annoying.  I also go to the bathroom ALL THE TIME!  There's also exhaustion, but I'm attributing most of that to the anemia.  I've started 2 pills a day and I hope I get better results when I get my blood re-tested in a week or so.
Belly Button in or out? What belly button?  No seriously.  There's nothing there!  It is officially completely stretched out and flat.  It's pretty hilarious since I'm SO used to my really REALLY deep belly button!
Wedding rings on or off? On.  So far I haven't noticed any swelling of any kind anywhere.  I've still got 9 weeks to go though...
Exercise: Walking, and I've done my yoga video a couple more times.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  Like I said, it's been a pretty uneventful week which has been REALLY nice with all that has been going on.  We had a busy weekend (Fright Fest with the teensies) and so I walked around.  Since I can't ride any rides.  Boo.  And I don't do haunted houses.
Looking forward to: I have a shower for a friend this weekend and then her WEDDING is at the end of the month (yes, I'm a bridesmaid.  yes, I'll look huge!).  So excited for her!!!
Please pray for: Healthy baby and healthy mommy.


So, I left off last time with my dad and Mr. heroically buying new paint.  My stepmom, sister and I made our way to Buy Buy Baby and Target to begin registering.  Along the way my stepmom called my dad and I called Mr. to see how things were going.  Both of them were... vague in their answers.  We get home and my dad is STILL painting the room, and Mr. has just finished putting together the dresser:

Now, my dad paints a LOT for his job.  He's kind of a master painter.  I was SHOCKED that it took him like 5 or 6 hours to paint that room.  It's really NOT that big... he's painted giant classrooms in shorter amounts of time!  

We are all chatting, Mr. and I, my stepmom and dad and I hear my dad tell my stepmom, "what she doesn't know won't hurt her!"

Say wha!?!?!

Mr. is shaking his head and I ask my dad, "What don't I know?"

He kinda laughs and says, "Um, well we had a little accident..."

Apparently, Mr. was in the living room putting together the dresser while my dad was painting.  My dad KNOCKED OVER A GALLON OF PAINT onto the carpet and DIDN'T NOTICE IT FOR SEVERAL MINUTES!  A GALLON OF PAINT!  

He finally noticed it and immediately sprung into action!  Between soaking and diluting the paint with buckets of water, loads of towels to soak it all up, the wet-vac I got Mr. for his birthday (SO glad I got him that!), and 2 and a half hours of frantically going from inside to outside, they managed to get it all up.

THAT's why it took so long for my dad to paint the room.  

Once that was cleaned up and cleared up, he was able to finish and I must say it looks fantastic!  The perfect gray!  Plus, he painted stripes on the weird ledge in the room and that took FOREVER and a very steady hand (Frog Tape failed us...). I don't have a great picture of that, but I'll make sure that it is in NEXT week's post.  :)

He also painted her name to put up on the weird ledge.  It's so cute.  Ya'll take my word for it!

Here's her dresser (in our living room): Mr. did a fantastic job putting it together.  And a special shout-out to my co-worker Mitchell who came and helped Mr. haul it into the house after a youth rally!  It was a seriously large and heavy box!

 The Monday AFTER my parents left, we got a notification from Walmart saying the crib had arrived!  We went an picked it up and put it together that night!  I had read online that some people had trouble putting it together, but I don't know why... it wasn't difficult at all.  I think it probably took us 30 minutes tops.

Look at that cutie putting the finishing touches on.  This was taken after I had a little bit of a breakdown on the floor of the nursery... Yes, I had a little breakdown.  I'm pregnant and hormonal and was COMPLETELY overwhelmed by the fact that in a few short months there would be someone to put into the crib.
And a look at it agains the wall.  And the crib skirt my mom and I made!  And a basket of my baby clothes all washed and ready to be put away.
And what will go over her crib?  Well, I found these AMAZING books on Amazon.  I scanned them and then had them printed, and put them into white Ikea frames.  I'm in love.  
 We are working with a VERY loose "book theme."  I'm not really into themes for rooms, but books have always been very important in my life, and I love stories of all kinds.  So instead of going with one particular story (like Harry Potter or Star Wars or something like that), I knew I wanted baby Clara to always be surrounded by books (something her elementary school grandmother and English major uncle are THRILLED about!).  So when I found the board books above, I knew I had to have them and incorporate them into her nursery.

She's also got a bookshelf that will always be stocked, but that's for next week's post!  I'll try to get that out in a more timely manner...

Mostly, we are just working with things we like and colors that we like and feel like can be used for another kiddo in the future (if there is another kiddo in the future).  That's why we chose classic white furniture and a neutral wall color.  That way if Clara winds up with a little brother, we don't have to completely change everything.

Another note about the furniture, we decided to go with things that we knew were sturdy and would last.  We did a LOT of research.  Okay, WE is a little misleading... MR. did a lot of research.  We went with solid wood that wasn't ridiculously expensive.  We also went with something convertible.  The crib turns into a full size bed which we think will definitely come in handy down the line.

Stay tuned for part 3!

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