Friday, July 8, 2016

Pregnant Again! Weeks 1 thru 17!

Here we go again!

So YAY I'm pregnant again! I promise I am. Not that you can really tell. Honestly, I think I just look a little bloated. Which I am.

Both my sister and sister-in-law asked if I would do the pregnancy blogs again and I figured I would. I would hate to have NOTHING to document this little bean's progress while Clara has a bajillion blog posts.

So I'm 17 weeks today. I think I have surpassed the worst of the morning sickness. It was bad, y'all. It was bad with Clara too, but I didn't have a two-and-a-half year old I was chasing around either. There was a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Ipad use during that time... And spending literally ALL DAY at friend's houses. And my mother-in-law coming and living with us for a week and a half. AND Clara going to Houston for 2 weeks. Even with medication (Diclegis), I was just so nauseated and exhausted all the time. I would just camp out on the couch. Yuck.

But it seems to be behind me (for the most part)! I've been feeling MUCH better for a good month or so. I still get tired (which I can totally deal with- I usually nap while Clara naps), but my nausea is WAY more manageable. Another weird WEIRD thing that has happened, is that I have the worst gag reflex. Almost every time I walk into our bedroom I gag. I can't tell you how I've CLEANED our bedroom, but it just gets poor air circulation and I think that's why. Sometimes it's when I open our freezer, sometimes it's changing a diaper. Sometimes it's just because. Mr. thinks it's funny... Because I can literally be in another room and he'll hear me gag. *insert eye roll emoji*

Even that has subsided a little though, so I'm VERY thankful to be on the road to feeling back to myself. I know I won't feel truly like myself until the little bean is born (and maybe a few months after that). I'll be honest, being pregnant is not my favorite thing in the world. A friend of mine said it best, "Lauren is not a joyful pregnant person." And I'll own that completely. I'm totally not. I'm very thankful to have the opportunity to be pregnant. I know that I'm incredibly blessed. But the fact is that my body and pregnancy just don't seem to mesh well. And that's okay! Everyone's experience is different. And seriously... pregnancy is so weird. It does such weird things to your body. Some good (my hair is always awesome during pregnancy), some bad (gagging all the time).

So here's to another 9 months of growing a human! It's totally cool, but totally strange too!

How far along? 17 weeks today!
Baby’s size? A turnip.
Total weight gain/loss: 1 pound! So I lost about 10 pounds during the first trimester. I've gained 1 of those pounds back. I'm not worried and neither is my dr. I lost WAAAAAY more with Clara (getting a strange tropical virus will do that for ya) and didn't have a problem gaining what I needed to once I was finally not sick.

Stretch marks? None. 
Sleep: I remember this with Clara- I started getting uncomfortable pretty early on. Even without really having a belly. I got my snoogle back from my friend Ash though, so I'll probably be putting it to good use soon. I've been sleeping with a pillow between my legs the past couple of nights and that's helped too.
Best moment this week: Lots of things! We spent the 4th with my dad and stepmom in Houston and did lots of fun stuff including going to Kemah, seeing Finding Dory, and going to the lake! Clara loved the lake and we loved watching her love the lake! Also, fun fact: when I was pregnant with Clara I was still recovering from my strange tropical virus thing (as in I was super puny and still had a rash all over my body) on the 4th of July. Mr. and I didn't plan anything for the day, but Mr. promised if I ate a decent lunch he would take me to see Monsters University. Apparently we enjoy seeing Pixar movies on the 4th of July weekend.

Miss Anything? Many things including: sushi, beer, not gagging all the time, having the energy I usually have.
Movement: I've been feeling flutters for about 3 weeks now. It's so strange because I didn't feel anything with Clara until much later. It wasn't until I saw her moving on the 20 week sonogram that I realized that I was feeling her move. I guess since I've already been through it, I know what I'm experiencing is bean moving!
Food cravings: Icy stuff. It was the same with Clara. Give me popsicles and snow cones and drinks with lots and LOTS of ice please.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Water. Ugh... I'm really ready for that to go away. I'm usually a water guzzler. Now, I drink a minimum amount (I drink lots of other things to stay hydrated) just because I know I need to be drinking it. Blech.
Gender: No idea- but we find out at the end of the month.

Labor Signs: Not a one. Praise God for that!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and feeling just fine despite the AWFUL North Texas heat!
Exercise: I haven't been to the gym in MONTHS. And I hate that. I was in pretty good shape before I got pregnant. I was doing BodyPump two to three times a week with some pretty decent weights. And then I got pregnant and could barely move from the couch to the kitchen. But now that I'm feeling better, I am making it a priority next week to get back to the gym. It's a great place to walk on the treadmill, do a yoga class, and maybe get back into BodyPump (doing MUCH LESS weight than I normally would).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. For sure. I'm lucky to be married to Mr. C. He's been incredibly patient with me. I cry at the drop of a hat, I snap easier, and most evenings I just want to watch X-Files and eat a little ice cream. Sorry babe... I'll be back to normal eventually!

Looking forward to: Continuing to feel better and better!

Please pray for: The healing of our nation and world. Mr. and I were up until almost 2am last night watching the news in Dallas. My heart is hurting for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. My heart is hurting for the families of the officers killed and wounded in last nights tragedy. But most of all, my heart is hurting for a CHANGE. For all people to know that their worth is in Creator God. That he has entrusted His people to share in his compassion and love. We have been called to be peacemakers. Let's not sit on the sidelines and watch the madness of a broken world happen around us. Let us be bold in loving and sharing compassion to all.

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